About me
I'm a PhD student at Georgia Tech in the COEUS lab, which resides in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
My research focuses on operational solutions for problems in network security, including attacker detection, attacker attribution, and machine learning system robustness.
I am also a research intern at Corelight. Previously, I interned at Meta as a software engineering intern on the Integrity team and at New Relic as a security intern on the Product Security team.
Email: tillson@gatech.edu
Practical Attacks Against DNS Reputation Systems (cite)
Tillson Galloway, Kleanthis Karakolios, Zane Ma, Roberto Perdisci, Angelos Keromytis, Manos Antonakakis
45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, May 2024
Other Projects
SecretSurfer (website)
- New Frontiers in Github Secret Snatching, DEFCON 30 Recon Village, 2022
Best Cybersecurity Startup, Georgia Tech Klaus Startup Challenge 2023
Award: $25,000
First Place / Best Pitch, Georgia Tech Ideas2Serve 2020
Award: $1,000
- First Place, Clemson CUHackit 2019
- Recipient, Apple Worldwide Developers Confererence Student Scholarship 2014-2016
- CVE-2023-36720 (Microsoft Windows, Windows CVSS score 7.5)
- CVE-2023-36888 (Microsoft Edge for Android, CVSS score 6.3)